Thursday, August 29, 2013

Max Masters Storyboards - Line art Sequences 5 & 6

Getting to the home stretch for the line art on my Max Masters boards.
I believe I have about 3 more sequences/pages to do and then onto some quick gray tones.
All done in Photoshop using a WACOM Bamboo

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Max Masters Storyboards - Line art Sequences 3 & 4

More work on my Max Masters Storyboards for my portfolio.
Done in Photoshop, and still need to add gray tones...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Max Masters Storyboards - Line art Sequences 1 & 2

Lately I've been working on storyboards for my portfolio.
These are pretty much some of my first attempts at doing digital boards.
All done in Photoshop. Just need to add gray tones!